[JEP 403] Use case for a new standard replacement

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Tue Aug 9 06:35:23 UTC 2022

On 08/08/2022 22:17, Kumar Ashish wrote:
> Hi,
> I have been using https://github.com/uber/cadence-java-client in my 
> service, and it contains two illegal access operations. I am trying to 
> upgrade to java 17 in my service, but am unable to do so because of 
> these operations. These operations have been mentioned in this issue, 
> https://github.com/uber/cadence-java-client/issues/647 . I am not sure 
> if this has already been queried but what should I do to solve this?

In this case, it looks like the maintainer of this project will need to 
re-examine how their serialize Throwables. It's really bizarre that 
serializing a Throwable to JSON format would first hack the Throwable's 
cause. So I think it would be better to fix the issue there rather than 
trying to workaround it with --add-opens options.


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