Jlink Services

Michał Kłeczek michal at kleczek.org
Sun Jun 11 04:06:14 UTC 2023

Ahh sorry. You know bind services and want to limit the providers.

You can limit the set of observable modules with limit-modules and add-modules.
There is also --suggest-providers option but documentation seems to be lacking.


> On 11 Jun 2023, at 06:01, Michał Kłeczek <michal at kleczek.org> wrote:
> --bind-services
> You're welcome :)
> Michał 
>> On 10 Jun 2023, at 23:03, Josiah Noel <josiahnoel at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Heya, I've been using Jlink lately to create application images, and I can't help but notice that I have to add my service provider modules manually. The current bind-services flag doesn't help me since I'm only interested in a few services and want to keep the image size down.
>> Would it be possible to get a sort of "add-services" argument that would resolve all modules that provide the given service class?
>> I'm thinking of something like:
>> ```
>> jlink --module-path mods  --add-modules com.comsumer --add-services com.provider.spi.ServiceClass
>> ```
>> -- 
>> Cheers, Josiah.

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