New candidate JEP: 451: Prepare to Disallow the Dynamic Loading of Agents

Gregg G Wonderly greggwon at
Wed May 17 00:27:14 UTC 2023

I appreciate your feedback.  But I still contend that there is little understanding of all the doors that changes to the Java and problems with changes to the platform have closed.  I’ve invested a large part of my career to the use of Java.  But, because of numerous things, I can no longer get anyone interested in using Java around me in the spaces of computer science that I work in.  The reasons are all about the slow decay of Java from wrote once run any where, into just a compute server platform focus.

I can tell by reactions here that people feel like I have no idea about Java’s problems.  But, the things I express are in line with my perceptions and experiences people share with me.  Everyone has the problem of being “active in their space” and missing perceptions of other things going on.

Java desktop is highly neglected and IBMs influence through eclipse and attempts at replacing Swing demonstrate the lack of platform support.

The volatile/non-volatile debacle is real.  It kills first experiences with Java.  First time developers don’t need their code optimized to the nth degree.  The loop removal optimization is just too problematic. There are countless bits of documentation all over the internet demonstrating the problems.  Again, declaring class level variables either final or volatile is the only way to keep the optimizer from breaking your code at random moments.

The security manager is useful for applications that really use mobile code via URL class loader as a version management mechanism.  Just like Javascript on webpages, mobile code really is useful!


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> On May 14, 2023, at 5:50 AM, Andrew Dinn <adinn at> wrote:
> On 13/05/2023 00:42, Gregg G Wonderly wrote:
>> I find it petty that “we know best” or “it’s our way of the highway”  becoming a pretty common thing in the “evolution” of Java “by Oracle”.  The open-JDK community ultimately can end up quite distances from “Oracle Java”.
>> It seems there is an agenda and goal that Oracle is aiming for. My gut feeling is that it’s to get to a container like platform that smells like Java EE for small platforms where some of the most important features of Java will disappear or become even more burdensome.
> Gregg, please do stop dramatizing this current discussion as some sort of Machiavellian plot by Oracle to browbeat first OpenJDK users and then non-Oracle OpenJDK project contributors into accepting Oracle's superior wisdom. No matter how lurid a picture such speculation attempts to paint you are not actually in the pit attending on some Revenger's tragedy. The more you spout guff like the text cited above the more you will deter anyone who actually contributes to this project from paying serious attention to whatever legitimate criticisms you might have to offer.
> regards,
> Andrew Dinn
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