Automatic modules and jpackage (was: missing subject)

Mark Raynsford jigsaw-dev at
Sat Nov 11 22:13:13 UTC 2023

On Sat, 2023-11-11 at 16:04 -0600, Michael Hall wrote:
> > 
> >  3. Take all of the application jars and place them inside an app
> >     directory inside the app image, and configure the runtime such
> >     that all of those jars _end up on the module path_.
> > 
> Couldn’t you use —java-options and add it yourself.
> jpackage would have to continue supporting the $APPDIR variable which
> was questionable at some point.
> 	--java-options -Dapp.path=$APPDIR -
> Untested but I think should work.

What is $APPDIR? I don't see it in any documentation.

In any case... I'm not sure how this would avoid either of case 1 or 2
in my original mail. jpackage is still going to ask me for jars to go
on the class path, or will try to invoke jlink with my application's
modules (and fail due to automatic modules).

Mark Raynsford |

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