A couple of questions

PavelTurk pavelturk2000 at gmail.com
Wed Jan 10 10:29:33 UTC 2024

>> 2. Let's suppose I have the following layer graph:
>> 1) boot
>> 2) layerA (parent - boot) has moduleX
>> 3) layerB (parent - boot) has moduleX
>> 4) layerC (parents - layerA, layerB) has moduleY
>> As I understand it is a possible situation. ModuleY requires moduleX that is present in two parent layers.
>> The question - how can I find out from which layer moduleX will be used for moduleY?
> The Configuration objects for layerA, layerB and layerC encapsulate the readability graphs used to the these module layers. Use Configuration::modules to get the set the resolved modules in the configuration, and ResovledRead::read to get the set of modules that are read. This will allow you to see which modules in C read "moduleX" in A and which modules in C read "moduleX" in B.

Still can't get reference to read modules:

         layerC.configuration().modules().stream().forEach((m) -> {
             for (ResolvedModule r : m.reads()) {
                 //LINE X

At LINE X I need to get `Module` from `ResolvedModule` to use Module.getLayer() method. How to do it?

Best regards, Pavel

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