A couple of questions

Alan Bateman Alan.Bateman at oracle.com
Fri Jan 12 14:23:14 UTC 2024

On 11/01/2024 21:57, PavelTurk wrote:
> :
> a) we see that gson reads 5 modules. At the same time gson requires 
> only 1 module:
> module com.google.gson {
>     exports com.google.gson;
>     exports com.google.gson.annotations;
>     exports com.google.gson.reflect;
>     exports com.google.gson.stream;
>     requires transitive java.sql;
> }
> Do I understand it correctly that extra 4 modules are read via java.sql?

In the API docs for java.sql you will see that it requires transitive 
java.logging, java.transaction.xa, and transitive java.xml. This means 
that com.google.gson will read java.sql, java.logging, 
java.transaction.xa, and transitive java.xml. In addition, every module 
reads java.base so that explains the edges you see in the readability graph.

> 3. Do I understand it correctly if some explicit module (with 
> module-info) from webserver layer will require any automatic module 
> from webserver layer then this explicit
> module will read ALL automatic modules from both layers?

If an automatic module is enumerated during resolution when all 
observable automatic modules are enumerated. If an explicit module 
requires an automatic module then the explicit module will read all 
enumerated automatic modules.

That said, there is an open issue around readability when there is a 
stack or tree of configurations when there are modules with the same 
name in different configurations. The science is right when they are all 
explicit modules but there is an issue when there are automatic modules 
in configurations other than the configuration for the boot layer and 
where the module names aren't globally unique.  This is the issue we 
were discussing in other thread where it will require both specification 
and implementation changes to address.


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