SV: [PATCH] JMC-6180: Changing the Java source editor font changes the size of some values in the JMC tables

Marcus Hirt marcus at
Thu Dec 6 21:54:52 UTC 2018

Quite frankly, we shouldn't need to, but I think we currently do 
this across all code.

Kind regards,

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: jmc-dev <jmc-dev-bounces at> För Elliott Baron
Skickat: den 6 december 2018 21:10
Till: Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at>; jmc-dev at
Ämne: Re: [PATCH] JMC-6180: Changing the Java source editor font changes the size of some values in the JMC tables

Hi Marcus,

On 2018-12-06 1:34 p.m., Marcus Hirt wrote:
> Hi Elliott,
> Just one nit - don't forget to put //$NON-NLS-1$ tags on string 
> constants that should not be localized, e.g.:
> private static final String FIXED_TEXT_FONT = 
> "org.openjdk.jmc.fixedtextfont"; //$NON-NLS-1$
> Looks fine - don't need another review after fixing this.
> Thank you for your contribution!
> Kind regards,
> Marcus

Thanks for the review!

I have added the missing NON-NLS tag (and set Eclipse to warn me in the future). Am I correct that these tags are not required for test classes?


> On 2018-12-04, 01:24, "jmc-dev on behalf of Elliott Baron" <jmc-dev-bounces at on behalf of ebaron at> wrote:
>      Hi,
>      This patch fixes an issue where font sizes vary between columns of
>      certain trees and tables, when the user changes the editor font size.
>      This happens for columns that use the JFace text font, which is also
>      used for text editors in Eclipse. The text font is used as a visual hint
>      for columns that may contain editable values. Other columns use the
>      JFace default font, which derives from the native system default.
>      This simple fix creates a separate font, derived from the JFace text
>      font, that sets its height to that of the default font. This ensures
>      tree/table columns have consistent font sizes, while also retaining the
>      text font face as an indicator for modifiable fields. The font is added
>      to the shared JFace FontRegistry, and is disposed of along with the Display.
>      I have included a new UI test case to verify that our modified font is
>      used for the LabelProvider that was previously using the JFace text font.
>      While I made progress towards some of the other goals mentioned in the
>      bug, such as allowing all text in JMC to have its size adjusted using
>      keyboard shortcuts, we decided to defer such a far-reaching change to a
>      later date [1]. Perhaps we could create another bug for such a feature.
>      How does the attached patch look?
>      Thanks,
>      Elliott
>      [1] 
> ml

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