Review request JMC-6022 - Use hg changeset in version properties

Marcus Hirt marcus.hirt at
Tue May 22 13:53:27 UTC 2018

Looks good. Ship it!


On 2018-05-07, 17:25, "jmc-dev on behalf of Klara Ward" <jmc-dev-bounces at on behalf of klara.ward at> wrote:

    New review, more general solution more future proof for github and other 
    Stills needs another scm connection configured if not using Hg,
    for example "scm:git:git://localhost/dummy"
    On 2018-05-07 11:57, Klara Ward wrote:
    > Please review change for JMC-6022 - 
    > <>Use hg changeset in 
    > version properties
    > Currently, the changeSet property is set to 0, if the mercurial 
    > profile is not activated.
    > Change is to always call the hgchangeset goal, regardless of profile.
    > If/when we create a github mirror, additional logic is required.
    > Diff is attached.
    > Regards,
    > Klara

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