Review Request: JMC-5893: Commercial features check removed in JDK 11

Sharath Ballal sharath.ballal at
Fri May 25 07:57:33 UTC 2018

Please review the fix for:






Following is the description of the testing done and result:


Ran mvn verify successfully.

OpenJDK 11 - Does not show "Commercial feature" dialog box.  Recording can be done, but cannot be loaded due to JMC-5895

OracleJDK 11 - Shows "Commercial feature" dialog box as "UnlockCommercialFeatures" flag is still present.  Recording can be done, but cannot be loaded due to JMC-5895

OpenJDK 10 (10.0.1) - Fails with message "Flight Recorder features are not enabled"

OracleJDK 10 (10.0.1) - Shows "Commercial feature" dialog box. Recording can be done and gets loaded.

OpenJDK 9 ( - Fails with message "Flight Recorder features are not enabled"

OracleJDK 9 (9.0.4)- Shows "Commercial feature" dialog box. Recording can be done and gets loaded.

OpenJDK 8 (1.8.0_91-3-ojdkbuild) - Fails with message "Flight Recorder features are not enabled"

OracleJDK 8 (1.8.0_161) - Shows "Commercial feature" dialog box. Recording can be done and gets loaded.

OpenJDK 7 (1.7.0-u80-unofficial) - Fails with message Flight Recorder is not supported below 7U4. (same message without fix from a standalone client)

OracleJDK 7 (1.7.0_80) - Recording can be done and gets loaded (need to explicitly provide the UnlockCommercialFeatures and FlightRecorder options).






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