JMC-5506 Rule that detects fatal errors in the end of the recording

Erik Gahlin erik.gahlin at
Sun Nov 4 15:54:55 UTC 2018

Hi Marcus,

It is stated in the event. For details, look at the patch which is linked in the bug for the event.


> On 4 Nov 2018, at 12:43, Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at> wrote:
> Hi Erik,
> Will Shutdown Reason state that the reason for the shutdown was due to no more 
> remaining non-daemon threads? If so, the reason will be shown on the page.
> If we want it to be even more apparent, we could also add it to the rule
> as Severity.INFO (25). Either way is fine with me. 
> If the Shutdown Reason doesn't state this explicitly, that should 
> probably be fixed in the event.
> Kind regards,
> Marcus
> On 2018-11-02, 22:28, "jmc-dev on behalf of Erik Gahlin" <jmc-dev-bounces at on behalf of erik.gahlin at> wrote:
>    Hi Joshua,
>    I think the text should say "JVM" instead of "VM"
>    Calling the event "VM" was a mistake in JVM implementation and we intend 
>    to change the label of the event to "JVM", similar to other events, such 
>    as "JVM Information"
>    One of the reason the event was added was to detect if there were no 
>    more remaining non-daemon Java threads [1] [2]. Maybe that should be 
>    called out? A user may wonder why their application exited abruptly.  
>    It's not an error per se, but it would still be good to see somehow.
>    [1]
>    [2]
>    Thanks
>    Erik
>> Hi,
>> The following patch adds support for the recently added VM Shutdown event
>> by creating a rule to detect if the JVM terminated in a VM Error, as well
>> as adding shutdown information to the JVM internals page.
>> Thoughts?
>> Cheers,
>> - Josh

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