RFR: JMC-6118 Java Mission Control tests fail on OpenJDK8

Joshua Matsuoka jmatsuok at redhat.com
Mon Nov 5 19:28:18 UTC 2018


The following patch adds four additional tests to the list of excluded
tests on OpenJDK8:

ControlRecordingsTest - Attempts to perform various operations on a
recording from the JVM Browser, fails since we don't have flight recorder
functionality in OpenJDK8

JfrWizardTest - Attempts to test various options in the JFR Recording
wizard. The wizard is started from the JVM Browser, so it fails for the
same reasons as the previous test.

TemplateManagerTest - Requires the JVM Browser to have JFR functionality,
same as above.

DiagnosticCommandsTabTest - Expects JFR diagnostic commands to be present
in the list of options. They aren't there for OpenJDK8.

This allows mvn clean verify -P uitests to be run successfully on OpenJDK8.




- Josh

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