7th Nov Meeting

Andrew Dinn adinn at redhat.com
Thu Nov 8 11:19:53 UTC 2018

Hi Marcus,

Thanks for a very interesting discussion in last night's meeting and for
being so very welcoming. I am now subscribed to the dev list.

I'll be studying the Wiki content you linked in your message last night
and also looking into the code over the next few days. I will ask
questions and provide feedback via IRC and this list.

If anyone who is interested in working on the agent code (yes, Josh,
that means you :-) would like some help as to how agents work and/or how
to read and transform bytecode using ASM I'm happy to help. You can just
ask questions on this list or I could consider offering a 1-1 or group
tutorial (maybe on Zoom) or I could simply respond by adding stuff to
the Wiki.


Andrew Dinn
Senior Principal Software Engineer
Red Hat UK Ltd
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