JMC plugin for Oracle Coherence

Klara Ward klara.ward at
Tue Oct 9 11:15:14 UTC 2018

>From what I remember, and assuming this has not changed since I was
active in the JMC team;

The Coherence plugin was not open sourced, to access it you have to wait
until it is released as part of "Oracle JMC 7".
For Oracle JMC 7, the Coherence plugin would be released on an
updatesite for install in the JMC app or in Eclipse.

You could also run it in  JMC 6, included in Oracle JDK 9.

// Klara

On 2018-10-08 19:49, Andrew Munn wrote:
> I'm using JMC with JDK-11.  How can I use the Coherence plugin mentioned 
> here:
> Thanks!

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