Oracle Java Mission Control vs. JDK Mission Control Differences

Gary Morrison Gary.Morrison at
Wed Oct 17 17:25:54 UTC 2018

First, a prefacing comment and question:  Please bear with me in my verbal descriptions;  it would be easier if I could post a picture.  Am I allowed to post here in HTML, including inline screenshots?

I'm currently working with the JMC binary release at, with OpenJDK 10, and I've noticed a number of ... odd ... differences between that and what I see in various tutorials, for example:
*  When I open the MBean Server for a current, indefinitely-running JVM, it pops up (in the Overview tab) a default set of "Dashboard" and graphs for "Processor" and "Memory."  The upper-right-corner controls on each of those items contains a green "+" to "Add attributes," an icon of two tan arrows chasing each other to "Enable updates," and a "wheel-chair" icon for "Accessibility mode."  The tutorials show a rather important small icon to the right of it that I **do not see**:  An "X" icon to close that graph or Dashboard.  I haven't found any way to close these graphs after they come up!
*  When I File:Open a .jfr file, I see it pop up a set of ... I'm honestly not sure what they are, but they are two columns of grey horizonal lines with a green rectangle on the left containing a number, and a topic name to the right of that rectangle.  These are classified in these major categories (with subcategories):  Java Application, Environment, JVM Internals, and Event Browser.  Not obvious what those things are or what to do with them.  In contrast, in the tutorials (e.g.,, time 4:31) it pops up a gloriously useful pane called "Overview," with dials showing "Heap Usage," "Total CPU Usage," and "GC Pause Time, along with a graph of CPU usage below that, along with icons along the left side for "General," "Memory," "Code," "Threads," etc.

*  Is this difference an Oracle JMC vs. OpenJDK JMC difference?
*  What can I do with these grey-bar thingies in the .jfr file picture?

Again, thanks for bearing with my verbal descriptions of graphical images!
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