JMC Version Differences?
Klara Ward
klara.ward at
Tue Oct 23 05:26:13 UTC 2018
The JMC UI for JFR was rewritten for JMC 6, the open source version is 7, and the version Takipi used was 5.
The same data is shown but in different ways.
I can’t recall someone ever writing a guide for how the two UIs compare, but this tutorial by Marcus Hirt is probably useful -
// Klara
> 23 okt. 2018 kl. 00:37 skrev Gary Morrison <Gary.Morrison at>:
> I'm currently using this version of JMC (with OpenJDK10):
> I'm debating why, when I open a .jfr file, I do not see what I see in at time 4:31. In particular, in the video, along the left edge of the Overview pane (not sure I'm seeing an Overview pane anywhere for that matter), there's an icon bar with icons General, Memory, Code, Threads, I/O, System, and Events. I *think* this Memory icon is mentioned also in, section 4.2, showing a pane that comes up from hitting that icon (?).
> What I instead see is an "Outline" tab on the left-side pane, under the menu, which includes various things I can choose to view. One of those is Memory, but when I click on that, it looks nothing like what I see in
> Am I seeing something different because I'm using the OpenJDK JMC, whereas these URLs above use the Oracle JMC, or perhaps just different JMC version, or...?
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