[PATCH] JMC-5419 : Links in rules do not work

Marcus Hirt marcus.hirt at oracle.com
Thu Sep 6 22:08:38 UTC 2018

Hi Miro,

Some comments:

1. I think perhaps a better name can be found for correctAnchor method. 
   The current name makes it feel like the anchor was incorrect to begin with - 
   but we're adjusting the Anchor open actions to make them work better when
   running in the Eclipse RCP UI. Also, a comment with a reference to the 
   bug would be nice to have there.

2. Likewise with the correctedAnchor variables. Especially in the getHtml() 
   method - calling it correctedAnchor may be misleading, since it is the 
   entire overview html, with adjusted anchors.
Otherwise it looks fine to me.

Kind regards,

On 2018-09-06, 23:13, "jmc-dev on behalf of Miro Wengner" <jmc-dev-bounces at openjdk.java.net on behalf of miro.wengner at gmail.com> wrote:

    Hi Everyone,
      here is my patch to not working links inside the UI.
    I’ve tested links in Overview, Tabs. I’ve also generated JfrHTMLRuleReports.
    Looks all works properly.
    Kind Regards,

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