JMC-5502: Add support for ClassDefine and ClassLoaderStatistics events to the Class Loading page

Joshua Matsuoka jmatsuok at
Fri Sep 7 19:55:13 UTC 2018

Hi Marcus,

I've gone ahead and updated the patch following our discussions on IRC

The ClassLoader statistics table is now in a tabbed group with the Class
Loader table, and selections in it filter down to the Class
loading/unloading/defining tables based on the class loader in the

With regards to the column ordering, I've moved the timestamps to the left
and sorted them by ascending.


- Josh

On Mon, Aug 27, 2018 at 1:36 PM, Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at> wrote:

> Hi Josh!
> Excellent! The Class Defining and Class Unloader events you probably want
> to
> read as a log - I think it would be nice to have the timestamps to the
> left
> and sort in ascending order. The Class Defining and Class Unloading tables
> you
> probably want to listen for selections in the table above.
> Probably want to move the ClassLoader statistics table. It is the only
> table
> that will not be naturally filtered as a consequence from the table above.
> We probably also want to move the columns about a bit and select what to
> sort on by default (perhaps class count or block size in descending order).
> We can discuss where to move the table and how to change the column order
> on
> the IRC.
> Kind regards,
> Marcus
> On 2018-08-27, 18:18, "jmc-dev on behalf of Joshua Matsuoka" <
> jmc-dev-bounces at on behalf of jmatsuok at> wrote:

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