SV: Review Request for JMC-5366 : Abort generating of a page if the user switches to another.

Marcus Hirt marcus at
Mon Apr 8 10:49:55 UTC 2019

Hi Deepa,

This only works for the keyboard, right?

>From the javadocs on the IPostSelectionProvider interface:
"Selection provider extension interface to allow providers to notify about 
post selection changed events. A post selection changed event is equivalent 
to selection changed event if the selection change was triggered by the mouse, 
but it has a delay if the selection change is triggered by keyboard navigation."

Please check with Markus Grönlund and Erik Gahlin to see if the solution 
solves their problem.

Kind regards,

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: jmc-dev <jmc-dev-bounces at> För Deepa Avhad
Skickat: den 8 april 2019 08:34
Till: Jmc-Dev <jmc-dev at>
Ämne: Review Request for JMC-5366 : Abort generating of a page if the user switches to another.

Hi All,

Please review the fix for JMC-5366.

JIRA   :
Webrev :

Solution:  When navigating views the selection changes frequently - especially when the keyboard is used to scroll through long
           lists or the mouse is dragged over some text. This will lead to many unnecessary updates of the viewers registered, 
           making application less responsive.
           So use of post selection events will be send-out with a slight delay. All intermediate selections during the delay time
           are ignored; just the final selection is propagated.
           Example: (addPostSelectionListener(ISelectionListener listener) ).


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