FW: JMC left pane Thread not seen

Markus Gronlund markus.gronlund at oracle.com
Mon Apr 15 16:14:49 UTC 2019

Hi Balaji,

I will forward your questions to the JDK Mission Control development list.


PS I used an early access version of JMC 7.0 in the video.

-----Original Message-----
From: Balaji Natarajan 
Sent: den 15 april 2019 18:05
To: MARKUS.GRONLUND <markus.gronlund at oracle.com>
Subject: JMC left pane Thread not seen

Hi Markus,

I work in the Weblogic Support organization in Orlando Office

I saw your youtube video 'JDK11 - Introduction to JDK Flight Recorder'

Your advise to focus on the vertical pattern in the thread caught my attention and pulled up a .jfr which was around and ran it thru a jmc 6.0 client.
Two questions. Appreciate if you can enlighten me.

* I do not see the 'Threads' on the left pane in my JMC. I do see the Thread dumps though.  Any thoughts why I do not have it. Is it a later version of JMC?

* Is JMC delinked from java downloads henceforth. i.e is it to be dowloaded
   seperately. If so, from where?


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