RFR: JMC-5473: Quick search for Automated Analysis Result Table

Carmine Vincenzo Russo carusso at redhat.com
Thu Aug 1 10:52:45 UTC 2019


The attached patch addresses the issue JMC-5473[0] in which a search
feature for the Automated Analysis Result Table was lacking.

In ResultOverview.java, I added the text component and a simple layout to
give the page more consistency when the table is displayed.
I also produced ResultOverviewTest.java to test if the table has
components, the search feature operates, and two more to check if the
behaviour is what we expect with a nonsense search and a specific search.

A side note, since there were no tests for the Automated Analysis Result, I
had to add the tab in JfrUi and allow the record analysis in two other
classes, OldRecordingsVerificationTest.java and JfrRecordingTest.java,
because they go through all the tabs listed in JfrUi during their tests.

How does it look?


[0] https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/browse/JMC-5473

Carmine Vincenzo Russo
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