RFR: JMC-6555 Convert JOverflow plugin to SWT

Mario Torre neugens at redhat.com
Tue Aug 27 11:53:31 UTC 2019

On 26/08/2019 17:16, Arvin Kangcheng Xu wrote:
> I'm unsure if those calls are queued or executed right away. I
> remembered introducing this guard after I observed multiple updates
> caused by single user interaction. However, I took a further look at
> the code and experiment a bit. The guard is indeed unnecessary, at
> least for the current code.

What I mean is that the event thread should be the one executeing this
method exclusively, so it cannot be that this code is accessed again
before the update is finished, it's only one thread.

If you see this call executed multiple times it means it's being
accessed concurrently. I do not know enough of the Eclipse/SWT internal,
so I need to defer to Marcus or someone else for this review, however it
does seem to me that something is calling this method concurrently after
all, we should see what code does it and possibly fix it, because I
doubt this is correct.


Mario Torre
Associate Manager, Software Engineering
Red Hat GmbH <https://www.redhat.com>
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