Clarification on JMC-5835

Marcus Hirt marcus.hirt at
Mon Feb 25 17:57:29 UTC 2019

Thank you for the investigation Salman!


Kind regards,



From: Salman Siddiqui <sasiddiq at>
Date: Monday, 25 February 2019 at 18:55
To: Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at>
Cc: <jmc-dev at>
Subject: Re: Clarification on JMC-5835




After further investigation, I believe that the issue mentioned by Per no longer exists. As such, the issue can be closed. Also, there are already tests present to check if the notification trigger action is working as expected.


I would also like to note that the application alert dialogue doesn't pop-up when the JMC window is out of focus. If this is an issue, I think a separate bug should be created because its not clear if that would be expected/desired (since the user may not want to disturbed by a pop-up if the JMC window is not in focus).





On Tue, Jan 15, 2019 at 1:55 PM Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at> wrote:

Hi Salman,

The way it is currently supposed to work, the alert dialog only appears for two reasons: either because there is an Application Alert action, or because there is an error evaluating an action (for example an error evaluating the ‘Dump Flight Recording’ action). If I understand Per correctly, it seems he is reporting that it can take a very long time upon encountering an error, until the Action Dialog is finally shown. 

Either that, or there is a misunderstanding in how triggers are currently using the Alert Dialog (always on errors or when configured as an action).

Kind regards,

> 15 jan. 2019 kl. 19:38 skrev Salman Siddiqui <sasiddiq at>:
> Hi all,
> In the description of JMC-5835 [1], Per Kroon described the issue is that
> an alert dialog doesn't always appear when a trigger occurs.
> From what I've noticed, an alert dialog only appears for 2 triggers:
> 'Application Alert' and 'Dump Flight Recording'.
> I just wanted to confirm if we want to have alert dialogs for every trigger
> action.
> Perhaps I'm missing some discussion on this since there is a comment in the
> issue's activity that says "This issue relates to JMC-6088" but I can't
> access JMC-6088 without an OpenJDK account.
> Thanks,
> Salman
> [1]

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