Review Request: JMC-6308 JMC 7.0.0 update ide and rcp landing page with correct url's

Sharath Ballal sharath.ballal at
Tue Jan 8 11:34:06 UTC 2019

Hi Prem,
My comments below.

1. In all the files, Copyright year should not be replaced to 2019 instead should be changed to:
Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved.

File application/org.openjdk.jmc.updatesite.ide/src/main/resources/index.html
2. Not sure about this.  I think JMC still works with Eclipse 4.7, can you pls verify?
-                  <li>Requires Eclipse 4.7 or later.</li>
+                  <li>Requires Eclipse 4.8 or later.</li>
-                JDK Mission Control is a set of plug-ins for Eclipse 4.7 or later.<br><br>
+                JDK Mission Control is a set of plug-ins for Eclipse 4.8 or later.<br><br>

3.  No need to change the OTN link to  as the final GA bundle will be available in OTN.
-                Release Notes can be found on the <a href=""> JDK Mission Control home page</a><br>
+                Release Notes can be found on the <a href="">JDK Mission Control home page</a><br>

4.  No need to remove these lines
-                <b>Download and Install</b><br>
-                JDK Mission Control is available free of charge for development. 
-                For more information, see the <a href="">JDK Mission Control home page</a>.<br><br>

5.  No need to remove these lines.  Updatesite will be available in this link going forward.
-                <img src="images/bullet-arrow-red.gif" alt="Bullet">
-                <a href="">
-                  Download for Offline Installation
-                </a><br>

File application/org.openjdk.jmc.updatesite.ide/src/main/resources/update-site-instructions/index.html
6.  The new link doesn't seem to work
-          <b></b><br><br>
+          <b></b><br><br>

7.  Same as earlier comment, pls check if 4.7 is supported or not.
-          Before starting, make sure that you have downloaded and installed Eclipse 4.7 or later.
+          Before starting, make sure that you have downloaded and installed Eclipse 4.8 or later.

File  application/org.openjdk.jmc.updatesite.rcp/src/main/resources/index.html
8.  No need to change the OTN link to  as the final GA bundle will be available in OTN.
-                <a href="">
+                <a href="">


-----Original Message-----
From: Prem Balakrishnan 
Sent: Thursday, January 03, 2019 6:41 PM
To: jmc-dev at
Subject: Review Request: JMC-6308 JMC 7.0.0 update ide and rcp landing page with correct url's

Hi All,


Please review the fix for HYPERLINK ""JMC-6308



updated "Mission control" to "JDK Mission control" and JMC download location.





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