Building JMC with OpenJDK
Marcus Hirt
marcus.hirt at
Thu Jan 24 10:32:31 UTC 2019
Hi Christoph,
Yes, as you read in the mailinglist spotbugs will be upgraded soon to solve
the spotbugs problem, see
Alex Mcdonald has a fix ready:
--- old/./pom.xml 2019-01-23 11:49:27.934826522 -0500
+++ new/./pom.xml 2019-01-23 11:49:27.874825738 -0500
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@
- <spotbugs.version>3.1.3</spotbugs.version>
+ <spotbugs.version>3.1.10</spotbugs.version>
JMC should be buildable with OpenJDK 8, and yes, we’ve recently switched to
OpenJFX and therefore now require JDK 10 or above for plug-ins requiring JavaFX.
Are you pulling the source from the hg repo or the git mirror? If git, know
that it lags the mercurial repo.
Kind regards,
From: "Langer, Christoph" <christoph.langer at>
Date: Thursday, 24 January 2019 at 11:10
To: Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at>, "jmc-dev at" <jmc-dev at>
Subject: Building JMC with OpenJDK
Hi Marcus,
I’m currently doing my first steps with JMC development.
So, I was following your blog [1] to build it. Thanks for this great piece of information! In general, it worked for me.
However, there was one thing where I had to do some guessing. You mention, one needs Java 8. But, as of the build, you’d probably need to be more concrete and mention that one needs an Oracle JDK 8. Because, if you do the build with OpenJDK, you get errors:
org.openjdk.jmc.javafx.osgi ........................ FAILURE
It seems that there are some dependencies to javafx, that only the Oracle JDK can satisfy:
[ERROR] import javafx.application.Platform;
[ERROR] ^^^^^^
I also had to use the option -Dspotbugs.skip=true, but I guess this is because of [2]. I’m going to verify this.
So, as for the JDK to use: Are there plans to get rid of the dependency to javafx from the JDK? E.g. use OpenJFX?
Thanks and best regards,
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