SV: Questions/comments about setting up JMC development workspace in Eclipse
Marcus Hirt
marcus at
Mon Jan 28 13:53:34 UTC 2019
Hi Cristoph,
SAP has signed the OCA, so feel free to contribute. The more the merrier! :)
Regarding the .classpath files and Maven: no, I haven't had time to look
into it. IIRC, earlier, when there were no JavaFX bundles on Maven Central,
we had to do funny things to make it possible to run the plug-ins from
within Eclipse on both Oracle JDK and later JDKs. Perhaps we're closer
now to a situation where we can clean up the last of the special cases,
and make Maven the authority in all things class path.
Kind regards,
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: jmc-dev <jmc-dev-bounces at> För Langer, Christoph
Skickat: den 28 januari 2019 14:30
Till: Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at>; Jie Kang <jkang at>
Kopia: jmc-dev at
Ämne: RE: Questions/comments about setting up JMC development workspace in Eclipse
Hi Marcus,
sure, I can contribute the changes to remove the references to JMC_JDK from the .classpath files of org.openjdk.jmc.flightrecorder.ui and org.openjdk.jmc.javafx.osgi. Or maybe those could also be a part of Jie's fix for JMC-6370?
Do you know why maven changed so many of the .classpath files that are checked in in the JMC repository when I import the projects into Eclipse and whether this can be avoided? Worst is the removal of the JMC_JDK dependency...
Best regards
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at>
> Sent: Montag, 28. Januar 2019 14:14
> To: Langer, Christoph <christoph.langer at>
> Cc: jmc-dev at
> Subject: Re: Questions/comments about setting up JMC development
> workspace in Eclipse
> Hi Christoph,
> 1. Yep, JDK 8 and JDK 11. I updated the blog - thanks!
> 2. Yes, now it should be okay to remove the jfx and update the
> classpath files as described. Will update the blog once the fixes are
> in. Let me know if you want to contribute these!
> 3. Yep, that is correct, as we decided we wanted to be able to build
> core without Tycho and separately (also be able to push the core
> artifacts to Maven Central at some point in the future). I updated the
> blog (except for the images) - thanks!
> Kind regards,
> Marcus
> On 2019-01-28, 11:56, "Langer, Christoph" <christoph.langer at>
> wrote:
> Hi Marcus,
> After my build works, my next task is setting up the development
> infrastructure
> So, of course, I followed your blog [1] about that closely. I
> eventually managed to set up my Eclipse workspace that it now shows no
> errors and JMC launches. But I have some feedback:
> - JDKs: I think the part with JDK 10 is a bit outdated, right? Now
> it's all about
> JDK11 (and, JDK 8, of course). The cited bug JMC-5895 [2] has already
> been fixed quite some time ago. Is that correct?
> - Setting up user library JMC_JDK: I've set up the library as
> described in the blog. However, it seemed to me that the maven import
> has deleted reference to JMC_JDK from the projects. (It also made
> quite a few modifications to .classpath files which I'm unhappy with
> as it spills hg status by the way). So I had to add reference back in
> projects org.openjdk.jmc.browser.attach and org.openjdk.jmc.console.jconsole.
> Also, now after the javafx dependencies were set up correctly as
> external dependency and not from the JDK, I think jfxswt.jar and
> jfxrt.jar can be removed. The reference to JMC_JDK can be dropped from
> the .classpath files of org.openjdk.jmc.flightrecorder.ui and org.openjdk.jmc.javafx.osgi.
> - Importing the projects: If I import the projects from the main
> jmc directory, it does not show the projects inside subfolder core, as
> the main pom.xml does not define "core" as a module. So I had to
> manually import the core subdirectory.
> Best regards
> Christoph
> [1]
> [2]
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