RFC: JMC-5657: Code coverage with Jacoco
Carmine Vincenzo Russo
carusso at redhat.com
Thu Jul 4 08:52:30 UTC 2019
Hi Guru,
Just to let everyone know, here is the updated version:
The old files are all updated with only "Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle
and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved."
While the new one have both "Copyright (c) 2019, Oracle and/or its
affiliates. All rights reserved." in the first line and "Copyright (c)
2019, Red Hat Inc. All rights reserved." in the second line.
On Tue, Jul 2, 2019 at 6:20 PM Guru <guru.hb at oracle.com> wrote:
> Hi Carmine,
> Looks good to me, +1 (tested on Mac OS X) With few Nit
> 1.
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aptmac/JMC-5657/webrev.02/raw_files/new/application/coverage/pom.xml
> and
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aptmac/JMC-5657/webrev.02/raw_files/new/core/coverage/pom.xml
> In webrev.02 : Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or its
> affiliates. All rights reserved.
> Expected format : Copyright (c) <File Creation Year>, <File modified
> year>, …
> 2. Since you have modified few other files "application/pom.xml,
> application/tests/pom.xml, application/uitests/pom.xml, core/pom.xml and
> core/tests/pom.xml, Please update "Copyright (c) 2018, 2019, Oracle and/or
> its affiliates. All rights reserved.” And you can also add "Copyright (c)
> 2019, Red Hat Inc. All rights reserved.” In the second line
> Before pushing the changes, please do update the above comments.
> Thanks,
> Guru
> On 28-May-2019, at 7:44 PM, Carmine Vincenzo Russo <carusso at redhat.com>
> wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I took sometimes to fix all the issues, here is the update patch:
> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aptmac/JMC-5657/webrev.02/
> I have made some comments inline, but for a easier reading here's a
> summarized version of everything in the patch:
> - Two new pom.xml: ~/jmc/core/coverage/pom.xml and
> ~/jmc/application/coverage/pom.xml
> - ~/jmc/core/coverage/pom.xml gets executed during the *mvn clean install*
> step to build JMC itself
> - ~/jmc/application/coverage/pom.xml gets executed both with *mvn verify*
> and *mvn verify -P uitests*
> - If you run just *mvn verify* the coverage will only show the percentage
> for ~/jmc/application/tests, while if you run *mvn verify -P uitests *the
> coverage will show both the percentage in ~/jmc/application/tests and
> ~/jmc/application/uitests in the same report.
> - All the modules in ~/jmc/applicatin/tests and ~/jmc/application/uitests
> are dependencies in ~/jmc/application/coverage/pom.xml
> - To make sure that everything works fine, the profile *uitests* is also
> in ~/jmc/application/coverage/pom.xml, this way the modules from
> ~/jmc/application/uitests get loaded only when the profile uitests is
> executed
> - Both .gitignore and .hgignore got updated to avoid
> ~/jmc/*/coverage/coverage-report
> - In ~/jmc/application/pom.xml all the modules are uncommented and working
> now
> - Every unrelated and useless comment has been removed
>>>> On Tue, May 7, 2019 at 6:38 PM Guru <guru.hb at oracle.com> wrote:
>>>> > Hi Carmine,
>>>> >
>>>> > Please check my comments inline.
>>>> >
>>>> > Thanks,
>>>> > Guru
>>>> > > On 07-May-2019, at 2:05 PM, Carmine Vincenzo Russo <
>>>> carusso at redhat.com>
>>>> > wrote:
>>>> > >
>>>> > > Hello everyone,
>>>> > >
>>>> > > This patch adds Jacoco coverage over unit test in JMC.
>>>> > > The module covered in particular are: /core/tests and
>>>> /application/tests.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > The patch addresses the issue JMC-5657[0], but as noted by Klara
>>>> Ward[1],
>>>> > > instead of adding Jcov, it's better to add Jacoco.
>>>> > >
>>>> > > For the time being, each test group had a new module, report, where
>>>> an
>>>> > > aggregate-report can be found.
>>>> > > You need to run 'mvn verify' in jmc root for /application/tests and
>>>> in
>>>> > > /core for /core/tests to have the coverage report.
>>>> > Logically there are three build step
>>>> > 1. For releng
>>>> > 2. Core modules
>>>> > 3. Jmc product (i.e Application)
>>>> > Ideally `mvn verify` is run on ~/jmc/core (for step 2) and ~/jmc (for
>>>> step
>>>> > 3).
>>>> Obviously all the 3 steps are needed, I also checked, the 'mvn verify'
>>>> for
>>>> ~/jmc/core is automatically done while building the core modules on
>>>> step 2.
>>>> For jmc product you still need to run 'mvn verify -P uitests' separately
>>>> after building the project since you need the test to be executed.
>>>> Unless there is restriction on defining Jacoco in root of
>>>> > ~/jmc/core/pom.xml and ~/jmc/pom.xml.
>>>> >
>>>> I explain this at the end.
>>>> > > There are also some aspects that concern me, so: Is this what we are
>>>> > > looking for?
>>>> > > The report for /core[2] looks good and clean. The report for
>>>> > > /application/tests[3][4] has good results, although there are some
>>>> 0%,
>>>> > and
>>>> > > that is ok, but also some N/A. Should we keep the modules in the
>>>> report
>>>> > > with only N/A?
>>>> > >
>>>> > > There are also some changes in /application/uitests when reading the
>>>> > patch,
>>>> > > they are not yet applied but I would like to add them to the next
>>>> patch.
>>>> > Please file a follow on new JBS and link with old one (relates to
>>>> > JMC-5667).
>>>> >
>>>> With 'next patch' I just meant the updated patch after the RFC,
>>>> basically
>>>> what I have done now, just wanted to have your opinions before going
>>>> forward with the ~/uitests coverage. If a follow up issue is needed,
>>>> I'll
>>>> ask Alex to open it.
>>>> > > This brings me to my second concern: should the tests and uitests in
>>>> > > /application have a unique report or should I keep them separate?
>>>> > Good to have Unique rather than separate.
>>>> >
>>>> In the new patch attached ~/jmc/application/tests and
>>>> ~/jmc/applciation/uitests have a unique coverage in
>>>> ~/jmc/application/coverage.
> With Alex's help, I found out there was a problem with having directly a
> unique coverage report for both ~/jmc/application/tests and
> ~/jmc/application/uitests.
> Because of this now we still have a unique report generated with
> ~/jmc/application/coverage/pom.xml but inside there is a profile *uitests*.
> This way all the dependencies needed for the uitests are only considered
> when the uitests are executed. Meanwhile with a simple *mvn verify* you
> get the coverage only for ~/jmc/application/tests.
>> > > Lastly, do we want coverage with every verify build or do we want a
>>>> maven
>>>> > > profile/flag to have the coverage only in some occasions?
>>>> > This could be based on how much time Jacoco Code coverage takes. If
>>>> its
>>>> > negligible then good to have on every verify build or with a
>>>> profile/flag.
>>>> >
>>>> In all my tests and attempts the module itself never took more than 10s,
>>>> while the build doesn't seem to be affected. So basically I don't think
>>>> it's a problem to have always the coverage in every build.
>>> I took a quick look into this and ran `mvn verify` locally with and
>>> without the coverage patch, I saw:
>>> With Coverage:
>>> core - 1 minute 17 seconds
>>> jmc - 8 minutes 51 seconds
>>> Without Coverage:
>>> core - 1 minute 3 seconds
>>> jmc - 8 minutes 23 seconds
>>>> > > Overall, how does the patch look like? Do you think there are some
>>>> more
>>>> > > modules that need to be covered? And do you have any suggestions on
>>>> how
>>>> > to
>>>> > > improve what I've done?
>>>> > If possible, please update the patch to ~/jmc/core/pom.xml and
>>>> > ~/jmc/pom.xml.
>>>> >
>>>> As far as my knowledge goes, to have the report, we need a separate
>>>> pom.xml
>>>> for the report, this because the report-aggregate[0] relies on
>>>> <dependency>
>>>> and not on <module>, even the JaCoCo examples for this have their own
>>>> report module[1]. The best way, I think, is the current situation in
>>>> which
>>>> we have ~/jmc/core/coverage/pom.xml and
>>>> ~/jmc/application/coverage/pom.xml,
>>>> these generate and contains the coverage report, while in
>>>> ~/jmc/core/pom.xml and ~/jmc/application/pom.xml we have the JaCoCo
>>>> agent
>>>> that makes the coverage possible. If we try to move everything in
>>>> ~/jmc/application/pom.xml and ~/jmc/core/pom.xml the reports will be
>>>> segregated in their own modules. Or if we try to move part of it in
>>>> ~/jmc/pom.xml we stiil need to have both the agent configuration in
>>>> ~/jmc/application/pom.xml and ~/jmc/core/pom.xml and the coverage as
>>>> separate modules.
>>> The aggregation of the coverage reports looks like it will require it's
>>> own pom.xml, as exemplified in a sample demo from the JaCoCo github.
>>> https://github.com/jacoco/jacoco/tree/v0.7.8/jacoco-maven-plugin.test/it/it-report-aggregate
>>>> All the changes and the new addition can be found here:
>>>> http://cr.openjdk.java.net/~aptmac/JMC-5657/webrev.01/
>>> core/tests/pom.xml
>>> - <module>report</module> is commented out
> All useless and unrelated comment have been removed or fixed to make
> everything works.
>>> Overall I think the patch looks good. I would however like to see the
>>> .hgignore and .gitignore updated to exclude the coverage reports; there are
>>> a lot of files generated in */coverage/coverage-report/*.
> Both .gitignore and .hgignore got updated to ignore
> ~/jmc/*/coverage/coverage-report/
>> Whoops, spoke a tad too soon.
>> It's having difficulties at the moment when running uitests.
>> https://travis-ci.org/aptmac/jmc-qa/builds/535820411
> Apparently this was because of some reference to the old name *uireport*
> still around that I didn't notice, it's been taken care of now.
>> There's also comments in the application/coverage/pom.xml for the update
>> sites and RCP product.
> All the modules now are uncommented and working, for these three an
> additional tag was needed because those repositories only have pom files
> and not jar files.
> Thanks,
> Carmine
> --
> Carmine Vincenzo Russo
Carmine Vincenzo Russo
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