Sv: EOI Demos and Planning
Marcus Hirt
marcus at
Tue Jun 25 12:02:45 UTC 2019
I'll close the poll tomorrow (26th of June), 17:00 CET.
Kind regards,
-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: jmc-dev <jmc-dev-bounces at> För Marcus Hirt
Skickat: den 24 juni 2019 13:54
Till: jmc-dev at
Ämne: EOI Demos and Planning
Hi all,
It would be great to meet up for iteration demos at the end of this
(extended) summer iteration!
Here are a few time slots that I am considering:
16:00 CET Friday the 19th of July
16:00 CET Monday the 22nd of July
18:00 CET Monday the 22nd of July
To make it easier to choose a time, I'll have a vote in the #planning channel on the Slack [1].
Ping me if you need an invite!
Kind regards,
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