JMC-4645: Size Distribution charts for I/O pages

Joshua Matsuoka jmatsuok at
Thu Mar 21 15:53:27 UTC 2019

Hi Ken,

Other than the selection issue which needs to be addressed, the patch looks
good to me. Nice work.

> It currently has one issue with adding to the selection store. Currently I
> can only store either *_BYTES_WRITTEN or *_BYTES_READ but not both, it
> seems as if we would ideally need some sort of JfrAttributes.SIZE to
> address this but I'm not sure how to go about that or whether that's
> possible

Such an attribute would belong in JdkAttributes, I'd start by taking a look
there if you're looking to add a new SIZE attribute.


- Josh

On Mon, Mar 4, 2019 at 12:21 PM Ken Dobson <kdobson at> wrote:

> Hi all,
> I have a patch that adds charts to the File and Socket I/O pages that
> provide the distribution of I/O events by size for
> .
> It currently has one issue with adding to the selection store. Currently I
> can only store either *_BYTES_WRITTEN or *_BYTES_READ but not both, it
> seems as if we would ideally need some sort of JfrAttributes.SIZE to
> address this but I'm not sure how to go about that or whether that's
> possible. This issue can be found at and
> If anybody has any suggestions regarding how to deal
> with it that would be great.
> The patch can be found here:
> Thanks,
> Ken Dobson

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