GitHub Actions for running tests and formatting checks

Alex Macdonald almacdon at
Fri Nov 22 22:27:57 UTC 2019

Hi Marcus,

On Fri, Nov 22, 2019 at 5:02 PM Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at>

> Hi all,
> I’d like to build GitHub actions for running our tests and formatting
> checks automatically. This will however need for Docker and the maven
> image on Docker Hub to be used as new project third-party
> dependencies. Does anyone have any opinions around this?
> Note: This is only for triggering these tests etc to be run as part of
> the GitHub process.

FWIW, as far as running tests are concerned, I've been using Travis CI [0]
to automate the running of unit tests (and previously uitests until they
timed out on my free account). Now that JMC is on GitHub it shouldn't be
hard to edit the files to make it work with the main repo.

The process just involves enabling Travis for the repo, and supplying a
yaml file explaining what happens when Travis starts. These builds can also
be attached to PRs, pushes, cron jobs, etc..

For example, I have a repo [1] with some scripts that cloned and built JMC.
On a free account IIRC the builds time out after an hour, which is
unfortunately not enough time to complete the uitests. I used to have a pro
account as a part of my GitHub student pack (and the uitests would run to
completion using a virtual display) but this is no longer the case. In any
case, I still keep it around to make sure the builds and unit tests run
fine for Linux (Ubuntu) [2], Mac [3], and Windows [4].

> Kind regards,
> Marcus



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