Releasing 7.1.0.

Marcus Hirt marcus.hirt at
Fri Oct 11 10:42:47 UTC 2019

Hi all,

I'm proposing we do the source release of 7.1.0 soon (in about 4
weeks). There are a few issues I'd like to get sorted out before the
release though.

* JMC-6555 - SWT-ification of JOverflow (dropping JavaFX). If there
are no objections to going forward with this, once it works on Mac
from the development environment, we should bring it into 7.1.0.

* JMC-6558 - Getting the improvements to the JMC agent back into the mainline.

* JMC-6589 - Bundling the d3 library used for rendering flame charts with JMC.

Please let me know if there is anything else you think is crucial to
get done for 7.1.0. The next sprint will be short (2 weeks) and only
focus on the remaining issues. I will be closing the current sprint
this weekend.

Please check what you have in progress in the current sprint, and
close what is done. If there is something assigned to you that you do
not believe will be finished in the next two weeks, please let me

Kind regards,

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