Sv: RFR: JMC-6561: update Eclipse 4.11 in Prerequisites of update site landing page

Marcus Hirt marcus at
Thu Sep 5 18:40:19 UTC 2019

Hi Guru,

Would changing to 4.8 be okay for you?

Kind regards,

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: jmc-dev <jmc-dev-bounces at> För Mario Torre
Skickat: den 5 september 2019 16:52
Till: Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at>
Kopia: jmc-dev at
Ämne: Re: RFR: JMC-6561: update Eclipse 4.11 in Prerequisites of update site landing page

On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 11:20 AM Marcus Hirt <marcus.hirt at> wrote:
> Yes, we should definitely change to 4.8 for sure. Requiring 4.11 would 
> be over-constraining in my opinion, but Datadog is not actively 
> shipping binary builds, so Oracle's (and Red Hat's, Azul's and
> Bell-Soft's) opinion weigh heavier here. Any thoughts from Red Hat, 
> Azul and/or Bell-Soft?

I would like to be more conservative as the fast release cadence of Eclipse is a nightmare for packaging on Linux, a lower baseline is a lot more forgiving, especially on the current version, however I think
4.8 should be fine for the moment.

Jie should know more about the exact versioning as he did the packaging for Fedora and RHEL and may give some better feedback, he is away for a few days however, he will be back after Oracle Code One.

Mario Torre
Associate Manager, Software Engineering
Red Hat GmbH <>
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