RFR: JMC-6555 Convert JOverflow plugin to SWT

Arvin Kangcheng Xu kxu at redhat.com
Tue Sep 10 20:01:58 UTC 2019

This is the latest updated patch for fixes of the following, as
mentioned earlier in this thread:

 - wildcard imports were replaced with single class imports
 - unnecessary white spaces were removed
 - indentations were changed to using tabs instead of spaces
 - removed mIsUpdatingModel guard
 - removed getHeapSize and mHeapSize in BaseViewer
 - declared setHeapSize in BaseViewer abstract
 - initialized mHeapSize to 1 to avoid division by zero
 - numbers are now rounded instead of truncated
 - number displays are now comma-separated
 - removed global jfx dependencies (javafx.osgi, p2 repo, target platforms)
 - refactored sub-component calls
 - used a more contrasting color palette for pie charts
 - fixed rotating table color
 - memory column displays 2 decimal places. add tooltips
 - fixed JavaThingPage NPE

Spotbug config typos were resolved in another issue and are now fixed and push.


Thanks to Alex for creating this webrev.


On Thu, 29 Aug 2019 at 09:58, Jie Kang <jkang at redhat.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 1:41 PM Arvin Kangcheng Xu <kxu at redhat.com> wrote:
> >
> > Hello all,
> >
> > The following is the updated webrev. Several issues mentioned in this
> > thread are addressed:
> > - wildcard imports were replaced with single class imports
> > - unnecessary white spaces were removed
> > - indentations were changed to using tabs instead of spaces
> > - removed mIsUpdatingModel guard
> > - removed getHeapSize and mHeapSize in BaseViewer
> > - declared setHeapSize in BaseViewer abstract
> > - initialized mHeapSize to 1 to avoid division by zero
> > - numbers are now rounded instead of truncated
> > - number displays are now comma-separated
> > - removed global jfx dependencies (javafx.osgi, p2 repo, target platforms)
> > - refactored sub-component calls
> > - used a more contrasting color palette for pie charts
> >
> > Webrev:
> > https://cr.openjdk.java.net/~jkang/joverflow-swt/webrev.02/
> Hi all,
> I talked with Arvin through chat for some issues but for archive
> purposes I will list them, as well as some other issues here:
> * The rounding of KB values close to zero makes the data completely
> lost as the result shown is 0 KB. It would be nice if it had a few
> decimal points and a tooltip that showed the exact value.
> * When entering and exiting a table entry with mouse, the colour
> palette now rotates through the colours so they can no longer match
> the pie chart
> * After the alters to the spotbugs excludes file an error [1] now
> shows up. The match for org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.FXMain was
> written incorrectly with "OR" instead of "Or" so I guess it matched
> everything. Now that it's gone, a proper exclusion needs to be added
> to keep spotbugs happy.
> * I have opened a JMC instance which automatically re-opens a hprof
> file I had opened in a previous run of the application. When I use
> Window -> Show View -> Other -> JOverflow -> JOverflow Instances, I
> see the instances panel load with an NPE [2]. Note if I then close and
> re-open JMC where both the hprof file and the instances panel are
> loaded, this doesn't occur.
> * After seeing the NPE in the instances panel, when clicking around
> somewhat randomly in the view of a hprof file and repeatedly pressing
> the "Reset" button in the top-right corner, I see a Problem Occurred
> pop-up showing an NPE [3]. It occurs consistently when clicking an
> element in the Object Selection table (top left corner). The "Reset"
> button also no longer causes the views to reset.
> * If I have the Instances panel open before I open a hprof file it
> seems okay for the most part. I have also checked the previous
> revision and Similar behaviour also occurs
> [1]
> [INFO] --- spotbugs-maven-plugin:3.1.10:check (default) @
> org.openjdk.jmc.commands ---
> [INFO] BugInstance size is 1
> [INFO] Error size is 0
> [INFO] Total bugs: 1
> [ERROR] org.openjdk.jmc.commands.internal.executables.Version.execute(Statement,
> PrintStream) invokes System.exit(...), which shuts down the entire
> virtual machine
> [org.openjdk.jmc.commands.internal.executables.Version] At
> Version.java:[line 47] DM_EXIT
> [2]
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.JavaThingPage.allIncluded(JavaThingPage.java:80)
> at org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.JOverflowUi.updateModel(JOverflowUi.java:141)
> at org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.JOverflowUi.addModelListener(JOverflowUi.java:158)
> at org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.InstancesPageBookView.lambda$0(InstancesPageBookView.java:59)
> at org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.JOverflowEditor.addUiLoadedListener(JOverflowEditor.java:271)
> at org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.InstancesPageBookView.doCreatePage(InstancesPageBookView.java:59)
> [truncated...]
> [3]
> java.lang.NullPointerException
> at org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.JavaThingPage.allIncluded(JavaThingPage.java:80)
> at org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.JOverflowUi.updateModel(JOverflowUi.java:141)
> at org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.viewers.BaseViewer.notifyFilterChangedListeners(BaseViewer.java:24)
> at org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.viewers.OverheadTypeViewer.setCurrentType(OverheadTypeViewer.java:90)
> at org.openjdk.jmc.joverflow.ui.viewers.OverheadTypeViewer.lambda$0(OverheadTypeViewer.java:33)
> at org.eclipse.jface.viewers.Viewer$1.run(Viewer.java:151)
> [truncated...]
> Regards,
> >
> > Thanks to Jie for updating the webrev.
> >

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