RFR: 6889: Provide build script for making it easier to build JMC

Marcus Hirt hirt at openjdk.java.net
Wed Aug 19 19:30:42 UTC 2020

On Mon, 17 Aug 2020 19:19:22 GMT, Marcus Hirt <hirt at openjdk.org> wrote:

>>> Great to hear that the OCA has been signed! Sorry about all of this being a little bit involved. Good news, once you're
>>> through this part of the process, it's done for all eternity. There are a lot of vacations right now, so it may take a
>>> little bit longer than usual. Feel free to open the [Skara
>>> issue](https://bugs.openjdk.java.net/secure/CreateIssue.jspa?pid=11300&issuetype=1) if you haven't already.
>> OCA has now been accepted. I don't think there's a Skara issue for this right now, and it seems that I can't create one.
>> I need to log in but I do not have and account and there's no way to register?
> Ah. If you don't have an OpenJDK identity, then that doesn't matter.

One thing that I see beginners struggling with is running the built product. Perhaps being able to launch the built
product could be a target? And perhaps with -vm $JAVA_HOME/bin added?

For Mac:
target/products/org.openjdk.jmc/macosx/cocoa/x86_64/JDK\ Mission\ Control.app/Contents/MacOS/jmc -vm $JAVA_HOME/bin

For Linux:
target/products/org.openjdk.jmc/linux/gtk/x86_64/jmc -vm $JAVA_HOME/bin


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jmc/pull/100

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