RFR: 6663: Reloading the Flame Chart View in Linux displays file browser

Jie Kang jkang at openjdk.java.net
Mon Jan 6 20:06:27 UTC 2020

On Mon, 6 Jan 2020 16:41:04 GMT, Jie Kang <jkang at openjdk.org> wrote:

> The context menu to reload is disabled
> The disable comes from looking at Webkit source that respects doit field:
> https://github.com/eclipse/eclipse.platform.swt/blob/master/bundles/org.eclipse.swt/Eclipse%20SWT%20WebKit/gtk/org/eclipse/swt/browser/WebKit.java#L819
> The issue occurs as we set Browser text to some HTML and no URL is set. The reload action seems to revisit the URL with the default result being the file system, I guess.
> A bug against SWT was opened to respect HTML text set when refresh/reload.
> https://bugs.eclipse.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=558846

Er, just to be clear. This is a workaround fix that prevents users from reloading/refreshing. As far as I can tell the keyboard shortcuts aren't being captured so various modifier + R combinations don't reload either.


PR: https://git.openjdk.java.net/jmc/pull/26

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