Sv: JMC impact of removing some default event fields

Marcus Hirt marcus at
Sat Mar 14 19:30:42 UTC 2020

Hi Erik,

I believe JMC should be okay with this - IIRC it's pretty much the state for the corresponding Oracle JDK 7/8 events. Any chance we could get an early recording to test with?

Kind regards,

-----Ursprungligt meddelande-----
Från: jmc-dev <jmc-dev-bounces at> För Erik Gahlin
Skickat: den 13 mars 2020 20:02
Till: jmc-dev at
Ämne: JMC impact of removing some default event fields


I’m planning to add a @DefaultFields annotation to Java events. The annotation will allow JDK events to opt out of some of today's default fields (duration, stackTrace and eventThread). Native JFR events already have this capability. 

It will impact the following events:

- ActiveSetting 
- ActiveRecording 
- JavaErrorThrown 
- JavaExceptionThrown 
- SecurityProperty 
- TLSHandshake 
- X509Certificate 
- X509Validation 
- SecurityPropertyModification 
- ExceptionStatistics

For example, ActiveSetting and ExceptionStatistics will not get fields for event thread, duration or stack track as they are only noise for those events. JavaExceptionThrown will not get a duration since it is an instant event.

Will this be a problem for JMC?

I’m reluctant to make the annotation public now as there are plans to support other optional fields, such as “allocated”, “cpuTime”, and “socketRead”, to track metrics between a call to begin() and end(). Those fields will require additional work and I’m not sure @DefaultFields is a powerful enough abstraction to cover all use cases.

För details: <>


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