Integrated: 6923: Retain treeview stack trace while switching between JFRs

Guru Hb ghb at
Thu Jun 10 04:43:12 UTC 2021

On Thu, 3 Jun 2021 16:22:58 GMT, Guru Hb <ghb at> wrote:

> Persist Treeviewer expanded items during main view (JfrEditor) switch. This behavior will help comparing two jfr recording.
> Solution : 
> 1. StackTraceView is a Viewpart which lists the stacktraces of JfrEditor (EditorPart). Switching between JfrEditor or selecting other context (Event Browser, Filtered events, etc..) makes an update in stacktraceview by providing "Items" to list.  This Lists are then presented to StackTraceModel with reducedTree (i.e only the Top frame is expanded) and rest of them are listed with its root. 
> With this fix, Persisting the ExpandedElements based on Items and then setting back during Editor Switch. 
> 2. StackTraceFrame requires hashCode and equals in order to Distinguish between old and new frames. Or persisting the StackTraceModel will be bit more expensive then set and restoring the Expanded elements.

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: df466e78
Author:    Guru Hb <ghb at>
Stats:     56 lines in 2 files changed: 54 ins; 0 del; 2 mod

6923: Retain treeview stack trace while switching between JFRs

Reviewed-by: aptmac



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