Remove platforms not supporting AARCH64?

Marcus Hirt marcus.hirt at
Thu Jan 20 18:26:02 UTC 2022

Hi all,

Since no one seems to have a problem with this, I'll go ahead with the PR.

Kind regards,

On Mon, Jan 17, 2022 at 1:04 PM Marcus Hirt <marcus at> wrote:
> Hi all (especially vendors),
> I'd like to remove the old platforms (not supporting AARCH64). This would
> unfortunately mean an exception to our usual support for (at least) the last 4
> Eclipse releases. The old platforms, however, are not really properly
> supported today anyways, as you'd need to manually remove the AARCH64
> environment from the main pom to make them build. The simplest would simply be
> to remove the platform definitions for <= 2021-03, meaning we'd support
> 2021-06, 2021-09 and 2021-12, with 2022-03 being a little bit over a month
> away.
> What do you think? Just remove them? Is there any vendor relying on 2021-03
> (or earlier) being available?
> See: [JMC-7477] JMC8.2 does not build with eclipse 4.19 (21-03) - Java Bug
> System <>
> Kind regards,
> Marcus

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