Integrated: 7894: Provide an alternative Java based flamegraph visualization

Brice Dutheil bdutheil at
Thu Jun 15 05:56:17 UTC 2023

On Wed, 6 Jul 2022 11:36:47 GMT, Brice Dutheil <bdutheil at> wrote:

> This change introduces a possible replacement for the current flamegraph view.
> **Motivation**
> The current is based on a web view. In the current state, 
> - the web view can be slow to render especially when the tree is large.
> - the web view don't feel well integrated, in particular when popups are shown.
> - web view are difficult to work with from a JMC developer perspective.
> ![image](
> **Description**
> Concretely this PR relies on the swing component to render flamegraphs : And plays with the bridge between SWT and AWT via the `SWT_AWT` class.
> As the intent of this view is to eventually replace the current one, the icons are the same.
> Since fireplace has no actual release, only snapshots, in order to try this PR, it is necessary to install the snapshot manually before starting the p2 server.
> cd releng/third-party
> mvn dependency:get -DrepoUrl= -Dartifact=io.github.bric3.fireplace:fireplace-swing:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT:jar
> # if sources are wanted
> mvn dependency:get -DrepoUrl= -Dartifact=io.github.bric3.fireplace:fireplace-swing:0.0.1-SNAPSHOT:jar:sources
> # make the p2 site, don't forget the -U
> mvn p2:site -U; mvn jetty:run
> **Outstanding issues / limitation**
> - [x] Fireplace has not yet a stable release as some part of its API are a bit rough.
> - [x] Currently the view does not initializes correctly:
>    the swing `JScrollPane` don't show scroll bars, until the view is resized by the user. I lack the SWT / Swing expertise to understand why at this time.
> - [x] Fireplace only supports _icicle_ view at this time.
> - [x] Icons for minimap toggle and zoom reset
>    <img width="237" alt="image" src="">
> - [x] Export to image
> - [x] Export to print ?
>    Can be done at a later time
> - [x] release of fireplace

This pull request has now been integrated.

Changeset: cfc26d5e
Author:    Brice Dutheil <bdutheil at>
Committer: Christoph Langer <clanger at>
Stats:     2842 lines in 47 files changed: 1354 ins; 1474 del; 14 mod

7894: Provide an alternative Java based flamegraph visualization

Co-authored-by: Brice Dutheil <bdutheil at>
Reviewed-by: hirt, aptmac, clanger



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