Multiple JVMs, different numbers of threads and BenchmarkMode
Aleksey Shipilev
aleksey.shipilev at
Sun Aug 3 16:20:01 UTC 2014
Hi Dmitry,
First, uncalled-for formatting advice: a) use text-wrapping tools in
your messenger, b) use an empty line to demarcate paragraphs. Otherwise,
your messages look like these wide walls of text in mailing clients:
...with no hope for auto-reformat.
On 08/01/2014 02:29 PM, Dmitry Vyazelenko wrote:
> I have several questions about JMH usage. In particular I’m interested in:
> 1) How do you handle need to run benchmarks on multiple JVMs
> 2) Using different number of threads for the same benchmarks
> 3) Choosing BenchmarkMode/iteration config for dynamic workloads
The rule of thumb is: annotations cover the generic cases; if current
annotations are too constraining, fall back to Java API. You should be
able to code non-trivial things there without much trouble. I tend to
think all three questions are answered by Java API.
A few suggestions otherwise:
> Here what I’ve been doing:
> 1) To run on multiple JVMs I’m using -jvm parameter. Something like this:
> java -jar target/benchmarks.jar -jvm <path>/jdk1.7.0_65/bin/java -rf CSV -rff jdk1.7.0_65_results.csv
> java -jar target/benchmarks.jar -jvm <path>/jdk1.8.0_11/bin/java -rf CSV -rff jdk1.8.0_11_results.csv
> I’ve been wondering is there any better way to do that?
Most of us are invoking the benchmark.jar with the target VM to make
sure: a) we indeed running the requested VM, otherwise we need to
cross-check if JMH is actually running the given one; b) ensures
compatibility between hosted and forked VM. Granted, both are guaranteed
in sane environments, but this is defense-in-depth concern.
> I mean in version 0.9.3 ability to specify JVM was added to the @Fork
> annotation. However it only allows single value to be specified (same
> as -jvm parameter). I was thinking maybe it should support multiple
> JVMs?
> I understand that this change would require changing output table to
also include VM with which benchmarks were executed. Does anyone else
think something like that would be a good idea?
I think that we would need to rethink how benchmark parameters with
named annotations interact with @Param. It would be profitable to
adopt/convert named params to @Param-s, which will give us what you
suggest for free and in a clean manner.
> I think it would be really great if JMH would allow specifying
> multiple values for the @Threads annotation. And will execute
> benchmarks with the numberof threads defined there. Of course
> reporting of the results should then include number of threads that
> were used to produce result.
Ditto, see above. Requires the connection with @Param-s.
> 3) This last point is more of a question on which BenchmarkMode
> and/or iteration configuration should be used when work inside
> benchmark method is not constant but instead depends on the parameter
> for current run.
> Now because of dynamic nature of the work done by a benchmark method
> what would be the best BenchmarkMode to use and how the best to
> configuration @Warmup/@Measurement iterations?
AverageTime or Throughput, obviously. I'm not sure how much of a problem
that is, actually. We should not care how many times @Benchmark was
called in throughput modes, we should only care it was called *enough*
Sure, for large benchmarks warmup and measurement needs adjusting, but
that's in users' hands. We could theoretically go for something
SPECjvm2008 does, and enforce the minimum number of @Benchmark calls to
constitute the iteration. SPECjvm2008 experience tells us it can be
frustrating to users who need for predictable time, and those who have
large workloads, but don't know about that yet -- wasting hours waiting
for benchmark to complete.
> It would also mean that I can’t use my own “batch size” parameter
> anymore. That would also mean that I won’t be able to run my
> benchmarks with set of values and instead will have to invoke them
> multiple times each time with different batchSize. And that would
> require writing script to drive benchmarks again.
See, you need advanced behavior with scripting. Java API provides you
with the opportunity to write "scripts" in Java. It should not be the
burden of JMH runner to encompass the user-defined benchmarking logic
for users. Instead, we enable users to tell JMH what to do in
coarse-grained (via annotations) or in fine-grained (via
API/command-line) fashion.
> Maybe it would be a good idea to allow specifying array of batchSize
> values via command line or annotations. At least this will eliminate
> scripting part but will require adding this information to the
> results table (e.g. batchSize 10 value1 batchSize 100 value2 etc.).
See above. Needs a proper connection with @Param-s.
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