JMH does not handle signed JARs correctly

Dmitry Vyazelenko vyazelenko at
Wed Aug 6 16:08:18 UTC 2014


Attempt to execute benchmarks in a project that uses signed JARs fails with
"java.lang.SecurityException: Invalid signature file digest for Manifest main attributes".

This is a known problem with maven-shade-plugin (see and
And the fix is to add the following to the plugin configuration:

How to reproduce:
1) Create new JMH project
2) Add the following dependency:
3) Execute mvn clean package
4) Try to run jar: java -jar target/benchmarks.jar => exception

Unrelated note, maven archetype for JMH uses old version 0.9.3 instead of current 0.9.5.

Best regards,
Dmitry Vyazelenko 

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