Multi-package benchmarks: package names 'merged' in the result table

Dmitry Vyazelenko vyazelenko at
Mon Aug 11 22:07:39 UTC 2014


When using JMH with benchmarks located in multiple/different benchmarks
the results are incorrectly merged together.

Here are some benchmarks from multiple packages:

package com.some.even.longer.word;

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;

public class SomeEvenMoreWeirdBenchmark {
    public void baseline() {

package my.sample.pkg;

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;

public class MySampleBenchmark {
    public void baseline() {

package test.jmh;

import org.openjdk.jmh.annotations.Benchmark;

public class TestJmhBenchmark {
    public void baseline() {

When I execute benchmarks I get the following results:
java -jar target/benchmarks.jar -f 1 -wi 0 -i 1
Benchmark                                                                  Mode  Samples           Score  Score error  Units
t.j.TestJmhBenchmark.baseline.word.SomeEvenMoreWeirdBenchmark.baseline    thrpt        1  3464644276.067          NaN  ops/s
t.j.TestJmhBenchmark.baseline.baseline                                    thrpt        1  3454747731.105          NaN  ops/s
t.j.TestJmhBenchmark.baseline                                             thrpt        1  3409380706.050          NaN  ops/s

So instead of using package name from every benchmark class it seems that
"test.jmh.TestJmhBenchmark" is used as prefix for all benchmarks which is wrong!

Best regards,
Dmitry Vyazelenko

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