Exception in Benchmark isn't marked as failure in CSV file.

Samuel Bishop ssb687 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 21 17:52:44 UTC 2014

Hello JMH-mailing list,

I've been reading the provided JMH samples, and I see that in sample 2,
that JMH will stop measuring if an exception is thrown.  To test this I
wrote a small benchmark to intentionally throw an exception when given a
particular parameter. I was surprised to see that the CSV file didn't mark
that anything had gone wrong when given my "bad" parameter.

For convenience, I will post my benchmark and CSV output below:

 public class BenchmarkException {

    int l;

    private BogusItem i;

    public void setUp()
        i = new BogusItem();

    @Warmup(iterations = 2)
    @Measurement(iterations = 2)
    public void testExcept() throws BogusException {

    private class BogusException extends Throwable {


    private class BogusItem {

        private BogusItem(){


        private int expensiveCalculation(int l) throws BogusException
            int answer = 0;
            switch (l)
                case ( 0 ):
                    answer = answer + l + 10;
                case ( 1 ):
                    answer = answer + l;
                case ( 2 ):
                    throw new BogusException();
                    answer = 0;
            return answer;


With the output CSV file of :

"Benchmark","Mode","Threads","Samples","Score","Score Error
(99.9%)","Unit","Param: l"

Notice the complete absence of an error for my parameter = 2. Is this a
bug, or intended?
I was expecting something to be there in the file, even if just a string of
"benchmark failed for parameter == 2".

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