JMH 1.5.1

Aleksey Shipilev aleksey.shipilev at
Fri Jan 30 18:36:03 UTC 2015


JMH 1.5.1 is released and available at Maven Central (thanks to Evgeny,
as usual). This is a routine maintenance release, and it hopefully does
not concern most of the audience.

Summary of changes:

 * Sometimes, when the referenced (private) classes are not available
during annotation processing, javac throws a cryptic error and
terminates. Normally it means unsatisfied dependencies, but this also
affects some trivial cases like referencing a standard Swing's JFrame in
a JMH benchmark. We can work this around, fixed as:

 * Up to this point, SecurityManager performance tests appeared to work
by coincidence. We did a few tight-ups in the JMH code, done more tests,
and provided samples how to use this properly:

 * Incremental compilation support, that was added recently, prints the
warning messages when it overwrites the existing benchmark entries in
the metadata file. This trips projects that require -Xlint:all -Werror,
and we should really make these messages diagnostic. Fixed:

 * More tests, as prompted by CODETOOLS-7901278:



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