print results with percentile

WANG Hui Hui.WANG at
Fri Sep 4 08:48:51 UTC 2015

Thanks a lot Aleksey for your prompt reply.

One more question please :

It's told that when measuring latency, it's better to check the percentile in addition to the averages. 

What are reasons that JMH is not enabling percentile by default ?  Is it due to the overhead of recording percentiles ?

-----Original Message-----
From: Aleksey Shipilev [mailto:aleksey.shipilev at] 
Sent: vendredi 4 septembre 2015 10:38
To: WANG Hui; jmh-dev at
Subject: Re: print results with percentile

On 09/04/2015 10:55 AM, WANG Hui wrote:
> I'm wondering how to configure a test to print results with 
> percentiles.
> Could you please help ?

Most BenchmarkModes do not record individual timings, so percentiles are not available here. Use SingleShot or SampleTime modes to get percentiles, see



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