Prefix character at secondary results?

Jens Wilke jw_list at
Wed Apr 27 11:06:39 UTC 2016


On Wednesday 27 April 2016 12:33:02 Aleksey Shipilev wrote:
> So, the underlying reason is this:
> In text report, all results are sorted by label lexicographically.
> Profiler results should come after the "benchmark" secondary results,
> which forces us to use some symbol that comes after any 7-bit ASCII
> symbol. This brings us to extended ASCII table, and there, 0xB7 (dot) is
> an obvious choice, given that we are using non-ASCII characters in the
> output anyway.
> > It would make live easier, if the JSON field names just contain ASCII.
> Well, nothing really prevents us to take a step back to basic ASCII
> table, and use Defaults.PREFIX = "~". I wonder what others are thinking
> about this.

I have not a good feeling with special characters in a name. Although it should be
always possible to escape them, if they have another meaning in the tool of your choice,
it is always a pain...

The main problem seems to be that the same name space is used by two separate entities:
The JMH profilers and the benchmark creators. So the obvious, "perfect" solution would 
be to give the profiler results their own bucket.

I think switching to '~' isn't really an improvement that justifies the incompatible change
and the perfect solution can wait.

Thanks for the background information on this!



"Everything superfluous is wrong!"

   // Jens Wilke - headissue GmbH - Germany

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