Concurrent database query benchmark

Jens Wilke jw_list at
Tue Jun 7 16:18:24 UTC 2016

On Tuesday 07 June 2016 17:24:09 Alex Averbuch wrote:
> When inspecting the database in *TxState.setUp()* I find that
> *System.identityHashCode(db)* is always the same, as is the path to the
> database, so I assume it is the same store -- a good thing.
> However, *db.getRecordById( id )* then fails due to empty database -- a bad
> thing.

I don't know what database you are using here. Is tx.success() really committing your initial population?

Probably you see the content in one thread because the transaction joins your still open transaction for population,
but the transactions in the other threads see nothing, of course.

The general approach for the benchmark looks good!



"Everything superfluous is wrong!"

   // Jens Wilke - headissue GmbH - Germany

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