Raw data output

Jens Wilke jw_list at headissue.com
Wed Jun 22 14:33:49 UTC 2016

Hi Petr,

On Wednesday 22 June 2016 15:39:13 Petr Stefan wrote:
> Hi,
> you're right, but not for SampleTime mode of benchmarking. We could 
> probably use SingleShot mode, but there are some issues with it. For 
> example, SingleShot mode ignores "measurementTime" option, so you have 
> to specify exact number of "measurementIterations" to get some data.
> The same holds for warmup phase, of course. So, in our opinion SampleTime 
> mode is quite better.

There are "issues" with _every_ benchmarking mode. That is why there are 
so many of them ;)

Depending on the scenario I need to benchmark, I choose the benchmark mode.
I would find it very limiting to be restricted to one, by some additional 

Maybe you want to share some benchmarks and discuss about that?

> With proposed patch, it's easy to get that hidden 
> data from Statistics (where they already are) without breaking any 
> existing code. Then, we can extend the current JSON printer to serve 
> these "real raw" data or add a new one as we propose in our second 
> patch. We expect that you wouldn't like to change existing format, so we 
> proposed a new one (but we provided 2 patches, to be flexible with both 
> variants).

Just for the record: I am not the author of JMH, that is Aleksey Shipilev.
I am a humble user, just as you.

In my opinion, the current JSON contains lots of different data, so I would be tempted
to say it is actually meant to include "everything". Extending it in a compatible
way should be possible.

My personal preference would be to have an output which contains every peace of gathered
information, so I can archive it and get back later and extract more things as I need it.

Maybe you can show an example JSON output that you currently get from the existing
output and make a proposal what additional values should be included?
It is easier to discuss some data output or format with some examples.

For Aleksey beeing able to accept your patches you need to sign the Oracle Contributor 
Agreement. Take a look at http://openjdk.java.net/contribute/



"Everything superfluous is wrong!"

   // Jens Wilke - headissue GmbH - Germany
 \//  https://headissue.com

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