JMH Benchmark

Nasimuzzaman Himel nasimuzzaman.iit.du at
Sun Apr 23 06:18:59 UTC 2017

I am stuck with my maven project. Please see the below scenario first.

I need to Benchmark apply(Migratable m) method. This method is being called
multiple times from a for loop from another method

Actually, I need to compute the execution time for saveToDatabase(m) from
method apply(Migratable m) for each time it is being executed.

How can I do that? please provide exact code if possible.

class Test {

public void applyAll() {
Collection<migratable> applicableUpdates =
SomeOtherClass.getApplicableUpdates(int index);


public void apply(Migratable m) {

private void doUpdate(Collection<migratable> applicableUpdates) throws
Exception {
for (Migratable m : applicableUpdates) {
try {


} catch (Exception e) {
logger.error("Falid to apply migration {}" + m, e);
throw e;

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