"Cannot find symbol" or "could not find artifact" when referencing parent dir's pom.xml

Henri Tremblay henri.tremblay at gmail.com
Mon Sep 11 03:50:51 UTC 2017

This is on the maven-archetype-plugin side. And it can't do that right now.
It is not as powerful a you think. The maven-archetype-plugin can

   1. Generate a single project
   2. Generate a project and add it as a module when launched from a
   directory with a parent pom

That's it.

On 9 September 2017 at 22:30, Chris <seahen123 at gmail.com> wrote:

> What I mean is that when the developer needs to switch from a single-POM
> to a multi-POM model just to use JMH, then archetype:generate should either
> do this or, if that conversion can't be automated, raise an error.
> On Sep 6, 2017 19:15, "Henri Tremblay" <henri.tremblay at gmail.com> wrote:
>> You seem to have Maven problems. Not JMH problems.
>> If your benchmark is a module of the parent and your other project too,
>> the maven reactor should find them without problem when compiling from the
>> root. That's what you did looking at your code so it should work (you
>> should depend on the right version as well).
>> Having an app module, a benchmark module and a parent pom is the way to
>> go according to me.
>> On 6 September 2017 at 16:44, Chris <seahen123 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Update: managed to fix this by moving the parent pom.xml into a new
>>> sibling
>>> module. Shouldn't archetype:generate do this automatically when the
>>> project
>>> is initially a single-module one?
>>> On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 4:17 PM Chris <seahen123 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > PS. In case it makes a difference, I'm *very* new to the idea of having
>>> > more than one pom.xml in the same project (where "project" means
>>> everything
>>> > that goes in one GitHub repo).
>>> >
>>> > On Tue, Sep 5, 2017 at 4:16 PM Chris <seahen123 at gmail.com> wrote:
>>> >
>>> >> After running the recommended archetype:generate and trying
>>> everything I
>>> >> can think of, I always either get "cannot find symbol" or "Could not
>>> find
>>> >> artifact
>>> >> io.github.pr0methean.betterrandom:BetterRandom:jar:".
>>> What
>>> >> do I need to do to get the child pom.xml to recognize the parent as a
>>> >> source? Would it be possible to merge them into one? Both are
>>> attached.
>>> >>
>>> >

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