[jmm-dev] ECOOP, JVMLS

Doug Lea dl at cs.oswego.edu
Sat Jul 19 19:58:56 UTC 2014

On 07/19/2014 12:45 PM, Peter Sewell wrote:
>> Why not just get it over with by adding to the rest of the spec a
>> no-thin-air disclaimer?
> the above sentence may be misleading - if we knew how to *state* such
> a disclaimer (in a way compatible with enough optimisation and h/w
> behaviour), we'd be done already.

Yes, thanks. I included this only because some people know that
this tactic was tried with C++/C11 :-) But it needs a follow-on
sentence reminding people of definitional problems mentioned in
previous paragraphs.

Also, in think-out-loud-mode: The most general form of OOTA
Query seems to be: Can a given value be returned by a given
read when the given program is run in any execution under an
arbitrarily unconstrained (weak) memory model? This might
be easier to characterize than some alternatives.


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